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Liebenzeller Kolophonium Gold III Viola / Cello

Liebenzeller Kolophonium Gold III Viola / Cello

22.90 €
Precio con IVA. más coste de envío
El precio total dependerá del tipo de IVA del país de entrega.

Tiempo de envío: aprox. 1-2 días




By using larch resin, adding gold and our special production process, the sound is full, round and warm as well as bright and crisp. Rosin Liebenzeller Gold II gives the best variety of tone qualities to the instrument and has uniquely balanced characteristics.The softer grades (Gold III) of hardness essentially make the hard and sharp sounds of the instrument milder and make the tone nobler. The harder rosins (Gold II) can make softer sounding instruments clearer and more distinct.

Gold II für Violine/Viola
Gold III für Viola/Cello (softer)