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The violin or violin called in the run of history in all musical genres has become an indispensable instrument. Whether classical, jazz, pop or folk music - in all genres the violin plays a significant role. In the past, as today, the violin occupies an irreplaceable place in the lives of millions of people on our planet. Incorporated into the most diverse cultures of this earth, the violin can be found in almost every country. Consequently, violins are made all over the world in a wide variety of shapes and qualities. Nevertheless, the art of violin making has undoubtedly reached its peak in Europe. From the 15th/16th century to the present day, violins have been made on this continent at the highest level. 

Logically, not only the violin as a stringed instrument, but also the associated violin strings as well as the violin accessories have been developed and worked to perfection. Now, Meistervioline has taken it to heart to reflect this development and has also made it its mission to introduce the important violin accessories to musicians and offer them at affordable prices.

Violins Cases Strings
Bows Accessories Spare Parts

Meistervioline offers a wide range of products. From the violin for children to the violin for advanced to the violin for professional musicians with the respective accessories - Meistervioline meets all these requirements. Both for the instruments and the accessories, special emphasis is placed on first-class materials. Thus, Meisterviolin offers accessories made of the best, selected materials such as ebony from Arabian countries, Cameroon and Ceylon, for the violin bow best Brazilian wood and pernambuco wood from Brazil as well as natural horsehair from Mongolia etc..